Here’s an overview of
how we’ll do it
Our team will work with you to understand the technical requirements of your project. During this process, we will highlight redundancies, nuance and whizziness and look for areas that will need special attention to meet your project goals.
Our creative team will hit the ground running and dive into creative exploration once we've agreed on the scope and goals of the project. We'll form initial concepts and design mockups to bring the vision to life.
Once we have those mockups in hand, we'll collect your feedback on various elements and refine our direction from there. After we know we're on the right track, we'll take some time to implement your requested changes before we get ready to deliver the final assets.
We'll have our creative team create a package of your production-ready files for delivery. Our team will create a zipped file that will contain your completed project, including linked assets, such as fonts and imagery.
After creating the final assets and deliverables, our team will deliver the final production files to you, for continued use.